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eTwinning Europejczycy i pandemia Polska Włochy

Kwiecień 2020  eTwinning z Włochami
Malwina :  
Pandemia nie mogła nas zatrzymać w dalszym działaniu, więc rozpoczęliśmy e-Twinning z Włochami dnia 9.04.2020 odbyła się pierwsza rozmowa dotycząca naszego samopoczucia podczas pandemii. Drugie spotkanie dotyczyło naszych zwyczajów wielkanocnych, a trzecie spotkanie dotyczyło nauki w szkole. Bardzo przyjemnie się rozmawiało z osobami z innego kraju w j. angielsku, ponieważ dowiedzieliśmy się dużo rzeczy co się dzieje w tamtym kraju i szkoliliśmy  język obcy. 

Confined but connected 
Zamknięci  ale połączeni (z innymi)
Italy, the European country hit first by the pandemicschools closed on the 5th of March2020.
In Poland schools closed
 on the 12th of March.


Teachers will organize the meetings together and will decide, after talking to their students, which topics they will talk about in the meetings. A calendar will be set, according to the online lessons they have in each country. There will be weekly meetings.
Students will be trained to speak about the topics during online meetings with their teachers.
Of course, due to the situation, all meetings will be online.
A padlet will be made with pictures and description of the activities. All the events will be reported on the Twinspace and the Padlet will be posted.We expect students will improve their skills while using ICT tools and learn how to use apps they had never used before.We also expect them to impove their speaking and listening skillsThe Italian coordinator Angela Dessy,  with students from her class and participiants of the competition
" Hello Europe ! "  Martyna, Malwina and Aleksandra  from Primary School No. 6 in Czechowice- Dziedzice  together  with the coordinator Ewa Dobija had the opportunity  on the 9th of April, 
as a part of international collaboration on eTwinning, to share their pandemic experiences  with students from an Italian school in the Codroipo region of Udine during an online conversation. Group meeting on Skype is now the only possible way to make contact during the period of social isolation.

AIMS of the project
- improving language competences
- using ICT tools

- getting more familiar with distant learning
- making new friends
- discovering new cultures
- sharing feelings in such a bad period and finding solacepeer learning

We have discussed the topics:
1. How do European students manage with the pandemic time ? ( feelings, emotions)
2. How are they spending their time, when  schools are closed?
3. Which restrictions do the students have to respect in Italy ?
4. Have young people got any ideas how to organize the day when they have more time ?

Jak radzi sobie europejska młodzież w okresie  pandemii ? 
Jak uczniowie spędzają czas , gdy lekcje w szkole są zawieszone?
Jakie restrykcje wprowadzone zostały dla młodych ludzi w krajach europejskich ?
Jak młodzi Europejczycy przeżywają ten czas ?
Czy mają jakieś pomysły jak zorganizować sobie dzień ?

TOPIC 1: Feelings, emotions in the pandemic time
  The students feel isolated, like in arrest, they are bored, they don’t have any plans how to organize the time
- we have more time for our families
- we play more games together
- we spend more time in the garden
- we appreciate our pets - dogs and cats

TOPIC 2 : How do we organize our day ?
The students get up at 9:00 am., do their homework in the morning, they have 2 lessons every day,
cannot leave the house, only one family member goes shopping, who has a garden can go out into the garden, they play with animals, watch TV in the evening
We begin our lessons at 8.00  and finish  at 14-15.00, we have all lessons like in the traditional learning, , lots of homework, but sometimes we can sleep longer

TOPIC 3 : What restrictions do we have to follow ? We have to : 
1. Wash your hands often 
 Avoid shaking hands and shaking hands when greeting 
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth 4. Regularly clean or disinfect the touch surfaces
5. Disinfect your phone regularly and do not use it while eating meals
 Keep a safe distance from another people
Apply protection when sneezing or coughing

TOPIC 5 : Easter in Italy and in Poland - last year and in the pandemic days
1.What do you usually do in the Easter time ? 
In Poland we usually have lots of traditions :
-  we spend Easter  with family , we visit each other
-  the most important day is Eaysre Sunday, we go to the church, early in the morning we have the
   Resurrection  mass  - it is a big ceromony with procession.

-  we bake Easter cakes - for example a mazurek cake with a fat layer of icing, decorated with
   nuit, walnuts, almonds, roasted seeds or a cheesecake – 
-  Easter Monday is connected with the old Polish custom called "Śmigus Dyngus". (Wet Monday), on which
   tradition requires that boys throw water over girls. 
   Splashing with water supposed to bring health and beauty. Easter Monday is the last day of celebration.

- on Easter Sunday all family members have the breakfast. They eat eggs and other food blessed. 
   Eggs are very often served, egg pastes with mayonnaise.

Colourful eggs are symbols of new life. The whole family meet together and spend some time eating breakfast and dessert. Easter cakes such as "mazurek" or "baba" are the most popular cakes during the Easter. That day we spend time with our family or visit friends. Children are often given some small presents such as sweets or mascots.

How did you spend Easter 2020 ?  What was different at your home this year? 

- We don't go to the church
- we could take part in holly mass only online
- we couldn’t visit the families
Easter this year were’nt colourful and joyful. Easter were sad this year. The families were separated,
 we were afraid to go out on the street. 

TOPIC 6: Online learning or traditional learning at school ?
What do you  think about online learning ?  It is better than traditional learning at school ?
What do the lessons look like? 
- Distance education is suddenly the number one teaching method around the world.
- Research tells us that there is good distance education is better than face-to-face.
  Do you agree with this statement ?
Bad sides of online learning: 
- the students may lack the technology or the internet connection
- they do not have
 have technical equipment

- there are any opportunities for social and emotional contact
- they los
e their interactions with other students nad feel very lonely, miss their friends

Good sides of online learning:
-the students use more the cyber world
they can do exercises and find out how use information and communication technologie
Changes in the social life 
In Poland it has changed a lot since the last meeting- from the 20.th  of April more people can do shopping in the shop at the same time, - we have permission enter the forest and park for recreational purposes,
- we can do jogging
  and ride a bike 
- young people over 13 years of age are able to move without adult supervision.
- we take cautious actions that aim to return Poles to normality as well. 
We must follow the rules :
1. 2-meter distance in public space from others,
2.  cover  the nose and mouth in public places, 3. continue distance education 
4.  quarantine and isolation for infected or potentially infected people

     TourismWhen it comes to tourism, the situation is not easy.
1. The 
hotels are opened on weekends, but there there are not many tourists because they are afraid of infection,
hairdressers and beauticians can be opened, but you have to make an appointment and you have
   be the only person in the hairdressing salon
- opening of stores in shopping malls with significant restrictions
Gastronomy - enabling stationary activities with restrictions
SPORT Sporting events up to 50 people (in an open space, without audience participation)
Organization of childcare in nurseries, kindergartens and school classes 1-3 - set max. number of children in the room. 
Hair salons were opened in mid-May , the children from the class 1 -3 coul go to school
in the last week of May

Questions from Polish students at the last meeting: 
1. Lots of things were forbidden for all people. Which  ban is for you the most difficult,
    which of them you couldn't stand? 
    Answers of Italian friends:

    - we couldn’t go to the shop I like     - I had to wait a long time in line in the store, because shopping lasted longer
    - I felt very alone, it was boring at home, because I had any contacts with my friends

2. How is the the end of the school year organized in Italy ? Did the students have to take the exams? 

    Answers :
    - the students didn't go to school at all. The exams were canceled.
3. When will the school start again in Italy?
    The schools will be closed until  October.

4. What are your holiday plans ?   Can you go abroad ? Which countries can you visit ? 
    Answers of Italian students:
    -we have a completely different situation than a year ago
    - we will spend the holidays with the family in a summer cottage,
    - we can't go abroad at the moment

    Answers of Polish students: 
    - we have verty difficult situation , but we are forced to accept it
    - we will go to the mountains , there are fewer people in the mountains than at the seaside,
    - we will go to the small and less known villages 



Od kwietnia do czerwca  mieliśmy możliwość interakcji  poprzez Skype z uczniami z Włoch - kraju najbardziej dotkniętego pandemią COVID-19 w Europie. Rozmowy były prowadzone w języku angielskim, jednak dla urozmaicenia padło kilka zdań w naszych narodowych językach. Każdy miał okazję nauczyć się nowych słówek w nowym języku. 
Wspólnie z Panią Angelą i jej podopiecznymi oraz grupą z SP6 pod kierownictwem Pani Ewy Dobija wymienialiśmy się najnowszymi informacjami i przemyśleniami dotyczącymi pandemii, sytuacji na świecie. Poznaliśmy także nawzajem swoje zwyczaje świąteczne, opowiadaliśmy o naszej nowej, kwarantannowej  codzienności. Dzięki technologii i różnorodności portali społecznościowych, w tych trudnych czasach , mamy możliwość kontaktowania się ze sobą i rozmawiania o dowolnej porze dnia. Jest to bardzo ważne dla nas, gdy nie mamy możliwości spotkania się , media społecznościowe są jedyną formą kontaktu dla nas.

Projekt uważam za bardzo ciekawe i rozwijające doświadczenie. Miałam możliwość sprawdzenia siebie i moich umiejętności językowych, ale przede wszystkim bardzo się cieszę , że poznałam nowych zagranicznych przyjaciół.

Uczestniczka projektu
19.06.2020   Podziękowania dla włoskiej grupy

Thank you very much for this nice cooperation.  For us  it was a very interesting and fascinating experience to get in touch with another European school in the pandemic time when our contacts have been so  limited.
We could talk about various topics: how do we feel? how do our countries defend themselves against the pandemic? what restrictions they had? We exchanged our information and opinions on how to teach during the pandemic - whether e-learning is indeed so beneficial, or not. We learned about Easter customs and how our Easter holidays has changed during the pandemic.
We got to know the differences:  Italians go to church, and then they celebrate with their families in restaurants, bars etc. In Poland, on the other hand, we meet at home, we bake cakes and mazurkas and cook lots of typical Polish Easter dishes.
We were talking about our families, towns and how we spent the time at home during the pandemic days, what were the advantages and the disadvantages for us, when we had been at home and did not go to school on the daily basis. 

This project gave us a lot, students did not feel so lonely, they had a new interesting activity, they met new people, they could share their feelings with each other and share what they were afraid of during the pandemic time.
For me, personally, as a German teacher, it was a big breakthrough as this was my first project lead in English.
We hope we have also shown our support to all of you during these difficult times in Italy as it was the most affected country in Europe by the coronavirus. We wish you and your students a very nice and healthy vacation, we wish all of you to stay safe and stay connected to the world and, perhaps, we will have the opportunity to get in touch again !Ewa

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